Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Update for the ten people who are reading this blog

Well hello, readers. I assume that some people have stumbled across this little blog because the last time I checked, I had about 54 profile views and today I have had 101. What a surprise! Still a humble little number, but it pleased me to see that.

Here's the update: after getting married and moving 40 minutes away, my dinners with my grandmother changed into Sunday afternoon tea sessions after church, usually with my husband in attendance as well. A lot has happened in the last several months. My grandfather has passed away, and I've avoided writing about that because it's one of those things where you don't even know how or where to start. But bear with me: I intend to keep up with these "dinners with Grandma" entries, even though they are more "Sunday afternoon tea" entries now, and I hope you will enjoy reading them. She is an amazing person, my grandmother.

Happy Thanksgiving!

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