Thursday, November 8, 2007

Grandma's England Journal - Day One

Home Thoughts, from Abroad Robert Browning
Oh, to be in England
now that April's there
and whoever wakes in England
Sees, some morning, unaware
that the lowest boughs and the brushwood sheaf
Round the elm-tree bole are in tiny leaf
While the chaffinch sings on the orchard bough
In England - now!

MY TRIP TO ENGLAND 3/31-4/14/92

3/31/92 Prelude:
A bright sunny morning. Mild and perfect for travel. Kevin arrived at 8:30 a.m. as I was finishing breakfast dishes. We left after Dad's photo taking. Mir pulled up and waved as we drove out. At Nicola's, Lisa was just waiting to pull out onto Rt 16 and waved goodbye. (Had checked with the airline re: daylight saving time for my arrival back in Buffalo. Schedule o.k. with an hour to wait I went to the snack bar for coffee and a cigarette. Sitting opposite me another lady was doing the same. We discussed the weather and it turned out shed had been visiting family in Franklinville. I told her I was from Franklinville too. She asked if I knew George and Luella Weaver and said she was their middle daughter, Nancy. I told her I had seen her mother at Sandy's beauty shop just before we went south in February. She remembered the kids and going to ball games when Dad was playing. We talked the hour away before her flight to El Paso and mine to Charlotte, N.C. I gave my camera to a man at a nearby table and he took our picture, so that I can give one to Luella.
My seat #8A was on the right side just forward of the engine with a fine view as we crossed N.Y. State to Newark, N.J., a brief stop discharging but mostly receiving passengers. We landed at Gate 4A and after a rest room stop I proceeded to Gate 7D (clear the other end of the airport!) for the flight to England. Phyllis' plane not in so waited there for her to catch up. Met two couples, mother and daughter and their spouses from Jamestown N.Y. originally now living near Asheville, N.C. Father is retired A.F. just back from a reunion in Australia, now en route to England. The daughter and her husband lived just west of Charlotte. Phyl arrived, checked in and we shortly embarked as the setting sun turned the airport bldg's to molten gold and we lifted off and headed north east. They served (a choice) fillet of beef in wine sauce, baked potato, broccoli/cheese sauce, roll, apple dumpling with vanilla sauce. Before dinner we had complimentary drinks. L and J. Walker & mineral water; Phyl had a gin & tonic, both of us asked for manhattans but they didn't have that. Settled down to sleep about 9 p.m. Eastern Standard Time. Slept in and out, quite warm. Very little leg room. In the morning will see England!
P.S. Charlotte airport has a conveyer sidewalk from Concourse B to D, big help with heavy tote.

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