Thursday, November 8, 2007

Grandma's England Journal - Day Eight


Today Lynne had to teach. Phyllis and I did dishes, then sat down and planned what to see and how to see it in London. Did a couple of loads of wash and then set out for a walk to Ramsey village about 15 minute walk from the house. Very small town nice homes and beautiful flowers and shrubs. A walk around the two streets that constitute the business section didn't disclose a single tea room. Nearing the first street again we met a gray-haired couple with their packages coming toward us. We inquired as to a tea room or restaurant for lunch. They directed us to the White Angel Pub. Parking lot and entrance behind Bartlett's Bank. From the chalk board menu we ordered grilled ham & cheese, tea and coffee. I saw ice cream listed and told the barmaid that I'd like the ice cream too. The sandwiches were fine but the ice cream was stupendous! A footed cut-glass dish the size of a cereal bowl with six scoops ice cream. Couldn't quite finish it. Total bill L3.50 for the two of us. Phyl left the tip.

Shopped in a card shop. Got the nearest I could come to the cards 'Lan and Mir wanted. Found a British version of Golf magazine for Don.

Walked back home, finished trimming the one lavendar mound while Phyl had a nap. Finished drying the last load of wash and packing overnight bag for London tomorrow.

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